
How to Create a Desirable Office Setup at Home

Organize your Work Desk
Working from home is hardly a new phenomenon anymore. With uncertainty growing everyday, no one knows when they can resume the office life they lived pre-pandemic. A space dedicated to work can enable you to stay organised and even keep you highly motivated to do better everyday. This is because our offices are specially designed to enhance & promote productivity. Which is not the case with our homes. So what can one do? Well, here are a few ways and office accessories to help create an office setup for WFH so you can stay on top of your work.

Have a dedicated area

It is essential to have a space of work which is used solely as an office setup for WFH and nothing else. Refrain from working in a communal space at home, which is being used by every other family member. Place your desk where you see fit, along with the required electronics and other work related paraphernalia. Working from a space with large windows that brighten up the room is known to offer wellbeing of the mind and body. If natural light is not an option, go for warm lights. If you are a fan of decorating your space, opt for plants. Plants will provide a sense of freshness and keep you in touch with nature at the same time. Studies clearly show that plants placed in a workspace promote the secretion of feel-good hormones, factoring in as a lovely motivator. You can have accessories like a personalised diary around to help you pen down your daily affirmations.

Prioritize comfort

Working comfortably is of great help. One way to upgrade your level of comfort is by making use of the right chair along with a desk. This also has general health benefits in the long run. If you're suffering from constant neck and back pains, it is probably because you aren't using the right chair which provides good lumbar support. Since the future of our working style is undecided, buying the correct chair is as good as a long term investment. However, do remember that sitting all day can cause long term and even chronic health problems. Another thing you can experiment with is a standing desk. Instead of working from a traditional desk, which requires us to sit all day. Not only will it help stay active while working, but it will also act in your favour in the long run.

Clear the space off of clutter

Was your desk at work cluttered? Most offices have a policy of having clean desks, so why not apply that at home as well? A clear space allows for fresh thoughts and a better workflow. A cluttered desk is not going to provide you with the space you need to work efficiently without going into a rut. The items on your desk should only be things you need at all times like your document sleeve, notepad, personalised pen stand, etc.. A clear space is going to help keep a clear mind.

Personalised penstand next to an indoor plantDress like youÒ€ℒre at work

Dress like youÒ€ℒre at work because it can significantly impact the way you feel and behave! Loungewear is comfort wear. While being comfortable is important, too much of it isnÒ€ℒt the best when youÒ€ℒre supposed to be working. It may reduce your optimal productivity. Sweatpants can make you feel sluggish (and letÒ€ℒs be honest, they most likely will) and sleepy too. This will cause blurred lines between your work hours and free time. While it is agreed upon that WFH will continue to have its ups and downs, it still remains important for us to do our best to maximise our potential. A clean and organized work space has many physical as well as mental benefits which are of great value. Invest in your space because that equates to investing in yourself. In turn, it will help gain the benefits you're working hard to achieve. How does your office setup for WFH look? Share your photos with us on Instagram!
